In the past I was a fan of this URL-structure, which is often called permalink. This kind of structure gives the searchengine user the direct view of the date. This helps saving valuable “Click and View”-Time if you only look for newest websites. But Google has improved his Result Pages and shows the publish dates of the websites directly in the SERPS directly under the title with the help of structured data. Therefore this main bullet point became six feet under for me.
Continue reading URLs like/2017/general/blogtitel aren’t up to date anymore
Author: Christopher Piontek
Ich bin ein technikbegeisterter Blogger, nebenberuflich (Fern-)Student der Wirtschaftsinformatik, hauptberuflicher Webentwickler und schreibe auf gerne Technik-News, Tutorials und Reviews. Meine favorisierten Themen sind #Software, #Internet und digitale Fotografie.